Happy pride!! It’s Pride weekend in Toronto and there are so many reasons to head on down and celebrate, no matter how you identify. This city is hugely proud of our diversity and for good reason. Pride weekend is a huge party that acknowledges the space that the queer community has advocated for over the past several decades.
Pride is especially exciting this year after two years of more muted celebrations due to COVID. There are tons of events to check out, but here is my itinerary for the weekend. Hope to see some of you there 🙂
You can find the official calendar right here.
Pride and Remembrance Run: I used to do this run every year, and this year it sold out before I could sign my family up for it… Head on down to cheer on the runners. It’ll be busy and fun. If you like running (ahem.. Walking for me) a 5k with drag queens beside you and tons of confetti and glitter bombs all around, this is the run for you. The best part, is you’re down there early enough that you get a good parking spot and a table for brunch right afterwards before the crowds start streaming in.
Family pride: Hosted by the 519, this is a quieter party hidden in the playground behind the community center. It is still lively with tons of activities, performances, and story times.
Dyke March: Less of a parade, more of a march. Open to everyone. LGBTQ+ and Allies alike.
Drag Ball 2022: The biggest drag show in Toronto (I think? Unverified). It’s a big fun party and it happens during the afternoon, which means that families can attend the fun.
The Pride Parade!: This one will be long and hot. It’s so much fun but you also need to take care of yourself. Bring sunscreen, and drink lots of water. Ideally, take breaks to go sit in the shade.
The best way to celebrate pride, even if you live in the city, is to rent a hotel room nearby so that you can take breaks during the day. Better yet, book a massage at the Elmwood spa for some midday rest.
We love supporting our West End Toronto neighbourhoods! Especially during important events like Pride! You can read more about our love of the West End on our blog here.
Happy pride everyone! Love is Love
Robyn Vandervennen